Carl's Jr. & Hardee's
"Burger Pioneers" CKE Rebrand
CKE (Carl’s Jr. & Hardee’s) was known for two things:
big burgers and boobs. With their sales dropping and millennials avoiding their stores, they needed a dramatic makeover. Luckily, they had three things going for them:
75 years of experience, damn good ingredients (seriously), and a pioneering spirit that continues to set the bar.
We started by taking a huge step back to see how the brand could fit into the modern food landscape while getting credit for so many industry firsts (like the first drive-thru and being the first to use 100% black angus beef).
We then, stripping down everything, from their logo marks, to their photography, down to the bag the guest gets when they order a tasty burger. Then finally broke through using a strong mix of: Sexy food photography that makes mouths water while putting our ingredients front and center. Authentic language that is unapologetic. Strong typography that subtly nods to our heritage. And, bold music that taps into the zeitgeist.
In the end, we reinvigorated the brand and helped
them claim their rightful place as Pioneers of the
Great American Burger.

This site was hand coded by me, thanks to codecademy and the awesome community at stackoverflow.